只有当中国和印度连同美国一道开始实现后现代转折之时,我们这个星球才有希望。——建设性后现代主义领军人物大卫·格里芬(David Ray Griffin)博士



As a faculty-based research center at Claremont School of Theology (CST), CPS conducts research and develops educational resources that explore the implications of interconnection, change, and intrinsic value on a range of topics (e.g. science, ecology, culture, philosophy, religion, education, psychology, political theory, etc.) in a unique transdisciplinary style that harmonizes fragmented disciplinary thinking in order to develop integrated and holistic modes of understanding.


The Claremont Institute for Process Studies works to promote a process-relational worldview (e.g. the philosophical tradition of Alfred North Whitehead)—including the principles of interconnection, change, and intrinsic value—for advancing the common good. This will be accomplished through educational outreach, collaboration with like-minded associations and people, and promotion of ideas, understandings, and means of practical implementation.


We come from different cultural and religious traditions. Some of us are Jewish, some Muslim, some Buddhist, some Hindu, some Christian, some Atheist, and some None-of-the-Above. Some of us are educators, some are poets, some are musicians, some are philosophers and theologians. Together we offer a magazine for social entrepreneurs and spiritual seekers who want to live lightly on the earth and gently with others for the sake of a more hospitable and creative world.. Along the way we introduce a way of thinking called open and relational, or process, philosophy and theology.